
The primary language of this blog is Bengali. But as we believe in the polyphonic character of every living culture due to the transcultural circulation of ideas and their intercultural reception, we will use here more than one language. But the situation of our mother tongue Bengali outrages us. Though spoken by more than 250 million native speakers this language is neither the language of the higher education, nor of the technology or the informatics or the administration in the regions of Indian subcontinent where it is principally spoken. Because this subcontinent is under the tyranny of one percent of its inhabitants, homo sapiens transformed by the colonization into a new species of bipeds who can be labelled as homo colonicus. Psychically colonized these Thomas Babington Macaulay’s bastards have imposed English in every sphere of life trampling the linguistic human rights of the majority the citizens.

Bengali, the sixth language of the world has not yet been really computerized. There is no operating system in this language, its Unicode keyboard and fonts are defective, it is not accepted by most of the computer programs. We Bengalis have not yet been able to occupy even a tiny part of the cyberspace with the aim of establishing our linguistic and cultural identity on the global scene.


  1. Hello,

    We are master students in anthropology from Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University. We would like to reach the author of this blog please. Would you mind contacting us at the following e-mail : chou_fy (at) hotmail.com ? This is about a professionnal directory we are working on at the moment, compiling alumnus.

    Best regards

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